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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Long Live the Queen

Queens birthday long weekend.
Sunday already... where does the time go?
Managed an hour or so on the Bambina this morning.. got some colour into it.

The news is that my printer has closed up shop for good so I had an issue right there for prints. But luckily I found another one right around the corner in the Hutt and so far the test prints look superb.

Another commission popped up last week too. Wanting an acrylic painting of my Gambia ship drawing. So I had the drawing printed onto some canvas in A2 size and will aim for Christmas as a present for her dad.  This is my current drawing... and the book cover that shows the ship in colour.

should be a breeze!!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bambina Beginning

Started the next commission. A Fiat 500 Bambina for a chap in Italy no less!
Just the wheels so far.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Labours, continued

Thank God for my Derwent electric eraser. My drawing table is covered in shards of rubber. I don't think I've had to correct so much of my work before. At least the C130H is complete. And I don't have to be quite so accurate with the background (ideally it should be slightly out of focus to accentuate the Hercules) so the level of detail is less important.

Again, no image with this post, although I have been taking progress photos - my laptop just doesn't have the intestinal wherewithal to handle Photoshop or Paintshop quickly enough. I have decided that I want to deliver the finished product to the commissioner this weekend so that's where my priorities lie.

Shelby Mustang GT500

I left the background as just an impression. It is actually very red but I only implied that in the lettering. It leaves the car to pop out from the paper and I think it looks cool.
Amazing again how seemingly random colour patches in certain areas look like something when one stands back. The drivers helmet for example. Great fun to see..

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Sky Above

Tricky week for drawing what with Storms/Floods and being trapped in Wellington thursday night and then Friday Night Magic on friday but managed to progress the bonnet area. Its a black car but the bonnet is very shiny and is reflecting the sky.. might have to darken it a tad..

Monday, May 11, 2015


Slowly slowly coming along. Who'da thunk there were so many blues purples greys and even browns in a black car!

The Labours of Hercules

Arrgh! I'm beginning to know how Brett must've felt when trying to paint his Island Fishing Boat commission...

The Hercules had NZ roundels on its upper wings (a red Kiwi on a white circle surrounded by a blue ring). No worries. The roundel partially obscures the light green panel on the upper wing. No worries. But, [sigh] I ended up with the roundel on the right wing the wrong size and in the wrong place! So I'm going to have to carefully remove it and do it again.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Herculean effort

The RNZAF C130H 'Hercules' NZ7002 is progressing well. The plane itself is almost complete -  the markings on the upper wing surfaces need to be clarified and a little rework on the spinning propellers. As the drawing is for an ex-RNZAF member with an eye for detail I have to get it right. Then I can start on the background - an aerial view of Wellington. Because I haven't installed Photoshop on my back-up laptop yet (my PC has died) I haven't been able to create an image for this posting, but watch this space, to coin a phrase.

By the way, those silver reflections on the Mustang's rear wing are looking good, Brett.

Update - just as well I checked - the upper wing surfaces & top of the fuselage have pale green panels. And here was I thinking they were white or pale grey/silver. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Snakey Shelby

Few more hours... tricky rear three-quarter but starting to come together now..

Couple more sales this week from Tauranga so feeling fit!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Bottoms up

Start with the wheels I always say... and then the undershadow and then the bottom of the car...
and slowly it starts to come together..
Im liking this Muzzie...

There's a LOT of work in those wheels!! maybe a tad more shadowing to go...

Friday, May 1, 2015

wheely dark

front wheel starts to get real..